Healing and Deliverance

Healing & Deliverance


I started praying at the Healing Rooms in 2008 (www.healingrooms.com) after God told me to do healing and most churches I visited did not believe in or offer healing prayer. I visited about 15 different churches in the Bay Area and could not find any healing prayer support even for my own family. Finally I found the Healing Rooms and started receiving prayer and then serving on the team. Fast forward to 2024 I am still serving with them, my faith has grown and many people have recovered from all kinds of diseases. I overcame my initial health problem rather quickly and my kids were miraculously and gradually set free from debilitating, incurable, chronic diseases.

After a while of being involved in healing prayers it became obvious that healing and deliverance cannot consistently be separated from each other. Many diseases are linked to mental, emotional and spiritual reasons. Some are consequences of lifestyle issues. Others are plain injuries or accidents. All of those have one thing in common: God can heal them and provided for that through the sacrifice of Jesus His Son. Some of these issues require tackling the spiritual forces behind the condition. This realization set off a research and study phase in my life to locate the origins, symptoms and solutions for these cases. My curiosity was fueled by the desperation of having to deal with such cases in my own house. While there are many different facets and manifestations, most cases boil down to receiving forgiveness, freedom and restoration through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and his resurrection. When Jesus Christ is the Lord and savior of the person in question, no other spiritual kingdom can claim possession of that individual. The goal is to set them free from the bondages from the past, from sin and other ways of being under the spiritual authority of darkness against one’s will. The task for the person in question will be to draw closer to God and strive for that freedom while the ministers pray to set the captives free. Real freedom is really hard to believe, but it is available: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36 ESV).